This community is so alive,” explains one resident who lives in the neighborhood and works for Seattle Central Community College on Broadway, one of the city’s most bustling streets.”It runs day and night. It’s very urban. There’s such rich diversity. Broadway is the closest thing we in Seattle have to New York’s Upper West Side.”
Indeed, the neighborhood has a reputation for being the hippest, prettiest (well, in some places), grungiest and, to some folks, strangest place in town.
It has been featured in Hollywood’s “Singles,” where angst-ridden twentysomethings fall in — and out — of movie love. Rap artist Sir Mix-A-Lot immortalized its nightlife in his song about a “posse on Broadway.” And who can miss the male “nuns” who occasionally don habits and heavy mascara.
So it is not entirely a surprise that out-of-towners who seek an interesting place to visit are sent here by Seattleites. One businessman calls Broadway the “the living room” of Capitol Hill. Capitol Hill features small bungalow homes on tree lined streets to stately brick mansions that once were owned by Seattles first families. Just minutes from the buisness and shopping districts of Seattle as well as from the University of Washington this neighborhood is a highly sought after treasure.